What Are Innovative Sourcing Techniques to Uncover Hard-to-Find Talent?

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    HR Interviews

    What Are Innovative Sourcing Techniques to Uncover Hard-to-Find Talent?

    In the quest to find exceptional talent, we've gathered seven innovative sourcing techniques from seasoned HR professionals and company leaders. From utilizing Boolean search techniques to networking for hidden talent, discover how Recruitment Consultants and Directors are creatively tapping into the talent pool.

    • Utilize Boolean Search Techniques
    • Engage with Online Communities
    • Forge University Partnerships
    • Implement Employee Referral Programs
    • Partner with Specialized Institutions
    • Explore Niche Online Forums
    • Network for Hidden Talent

    Utilize Boolean Search Techniques

    Boolean searches are my preferred method for finding hard-to-locate talent. This technique is an outstanding tool for conducting searches with specific keywords. However, not all systems accommodate this function. I suggest using an ATS that supports Boolean searches.

    Sherre WintersRecruitment Consultant, On Call Clinicians

    Engage with Online Communities

    When you have easy-to-access details online, it's hardly an effort to spread the word, so sharing our requirements on online forums and groups has always worked well for us. Even if our potential talent pool isn't active all the time in these groups, other users are quick to discuss and share details of the opportunity, and once it catches on, we manage to make our way even into closed groups. We go all out in our efforts, targeting Discord channels, Slack groups, job boards, forums, and more.

    Anilkumar Shetty
    Anilkumar ShettyDirector, TecHighQ IT Solutions

    Forge University Partnerships

    We have been able to source emerging talent by building partnerships with universities and coding boot camps. We offer interns, project sponsorships, and participation in career fairs and similar events, which allows us to have early access to students and graduates with high potential. For example, we've partnered with a leading coding boot camp, from which we hired several developers who were instrumental in some of our projects.

    This forward-oriented approach also assures a constant influx of new, hard-to-find talent who will grow with our company. We've invested in these partnerships to help fill immediate hiring needs and build long-term relationships with institutions that provide us with a consistent supply of top talent. As a result, we've become more successful at recruiting and retaining the high-caliber employees who drive innovation and sustain our growth.

    Sunaree Komolchomalee
    Sunaree KomolchomaleeHead of Human Resources, Cupid Digital PR Agency

    Implement Employee Referral Programs

    One technique that I've found particularly effective is the power of employee referrals and internal networks.

    We recently had a tough time filling a highly specialized engineering role. We had posted the job on all the usual platforms, but we weren't getting the quality of candidates we were looking for. So, we decided to tap into our existing employees' networks.

    We created an internal referral program, offering a generous bonus to any employee who referred a successful candidate. We also encouraged our team members to share the job opening on their social media profiles and within their professional circles.

    The results were amazing! Within a matter of weeks, we received a flood of high-quality applications from individuals who were passionate about our company and the specific role. It turned out that many of our employees had connections to talented individuals who weren't actively looking for a new job but were open to exploring opportunities with a company they trusted.

    Susan B. Merry
    Susan B. MerryOwner, Inner Joy Activewear

    Partner with Specialized Institutions

    In most cases, hard-to-find talent falls in the niche category because they have acquired certain certifications or skills that are unique. We've found going back to the source a great solution. So, when we're looking for such talent, our team reaches out to specific training centers and educational institutions that are known for associated courses and programs. This way, we also offer these educational centers the opportunity to offer more promising placements to their alumni, making the move a win-win for all.

    Raymond Anto
    Raymond AntoFounder, Congruen

    Explore Niche Online Forums

    One innovative sourcing technique I've employed is leveraging niche online communities and forums to find specialized talent. I remember when we needed a rare skill set for a project involving blockchain technology. Traditional job boards weren't yielding the right candidates, so I delved into specialized forums and Slack channels dedicated to blockchain development. There, I actively participated in discussions and networked with contributors, subtly assessing their expertise and fit for our team. This approach not only led us to a brilliant developer but also established our company's presence in these communities, making future recruitment easier. Engaging with candidates in their natural environment revealed their true capabilities and passion, which traditional resumes often can't capture. This method requires more effort, but the payoff in finding genuinely talented and passionate individuals is immense.

    Luke Howland
    Luke HowlandOwner, Electric Bikes of Flagstaff

    Network for Hidden Talent

    As the owner of OneStop Northwest, a digital marketing agency, finding niche talent requires creativity. Recently, we needed a technical SEO specialist and struggled with the standard applicant pool.

    I tapped into my network of former colleagues and asked if they knew of any 'hidden gems' in the field. One recommended a freelancer who had done contract work for them. Though not actively job-hunting, she was open to discussing a full-time role. After meeting, I realized her experience and mindset were ideal. She started last month, and her fresh strategies have already boosted our clients' rankings.

    For hard-to-source roles, try networking within your industry. Connect with others doing similar work and ask if they know of any talented individuals you may have missed. Look beyond active applicants to freelancers or those open to a career change. A personal recommendation goes a long way, and you may find an amazing hire. With the right pitch, many will consider an opportunity they might otherwise have missed.

    Casting a wide net and digging deeper into your networks helps uncover talent that fits your precise needs. While it requires effort, finding the right person for a key role is well worth it.

    Dylan Cleppe
    Dylan CleppeCo-Founder & CEO, OneStop Northwest LLC